buckeye law firm

Life is uncertain. Sudden injuries, medical emergencies, unexpected obligations, and simply the natural aging process can interfere with our ability to make crucial decisions for ourselves. Fortunately, there are things you can do now to prepare for these contingencies later. One of them is drafting a power of attorney (POA). A power of attorney authorizes someone to act on your behalf for legal, financial, or medical matters if needed. 

Why You Need a Power of Attorney Lawyer in Buckeye

The legal team at Pennington Law, PLLC has extensive experience helping Arizonans establish powers of attorney as part of the estate planning process. We understand the importance of thinking ahead, even about less comfortable subjects such as end-of-life wishes and advance care planning. With a well-executed power of attorney, you can make your preferences known and save headaches and the possibility of legal disputes later. 

In addition to powers of attorney, Pennington Law PLLC provides comprehensive estate planning services that work to protect your assets, prepare for retirement, mitigate tax consequences, and maximize the legacy you leave behind. We aim to empower you to make important decisions about your future strategically and straightforwardly. 

Benefits of Power of Attorney

Why Should I Get a Power of Attorney?

A power of attorney allows you to name someone to make decisions for you if you become incapacitated. A carefully drafted power of attorney can benefit you and your family by:

  • Giving a trusted family member, friend, or advisor the authority to help with your financial and legal affairs if needed
  • Ensuring that someone is capable of making medical decisions that adhere to your beliefs and values if you suddenly become incapacitated
  • Authorizing someone to act on your behalf in a specific transaction when you cannot be there

Without a power of attorney, your family would have to go through the time and expense of establishing a guardianship before having the authority to act on your behalf.  

Types of Powers of Attorney in Arizona

Arizona law recognizes the following types of power of attorney (POAs).

General power of attorney

In a general power of attorney, you grant an agent complete authority to act on your behalf in all legal and financial matters. People typically establish general POAs as they age to give an adult child or another trusted family member, friend, or advisor authority to help them manage their affairs. 

Durable power of attorney

A durable power of attorney is a legal document authorizing a person to act as your legal agent if you are incapable. The agent can act for as long as a person remains incompetent to make their own decisions. 

Special power of attorney

A special power of attorney grants the agent a limited scope of authority. People may use special powers of attorney in situations such as an isolated business transaction or a sale of real estate. 

Healthcare power of attorney

In a medical or healthcare power of attorney, you grant your agent the ability to make medical decisions if you can no longer communicate your wishes. People often use medical powers of attorney in conjunction with a living will, in which you can outline your preferences for life-sustaining treatment, organ donation, and end-of-life care. 

Parental power of attorney

A parental power of attorney allows a parent to give another person temporary authority over their children. The power of attorney must state the date it begins and ends. Parental powers of attorney cannot last for more than six months, except for parents on active military duty, who can establish a parental power of attorney lasting up to one year. 

Different Powers of Attorney Explained

How to Establish a Power of Attorney in Buckeye, AZ

Establishing a power of attorney in Buckeye should begin with a consultation with an estate planning lawyer from Pennington Law, PLLC. During this meeting, we will discuss your goals and preferences to determine the suitability of a power of attorney and the scope of authority your POA should confer on your agent. 

Next, we will consider who you want to choose as your agent. If you already have someone in mind, it’s a good idea to speak with them to ensure their willingness to serve.

To execute a power of attorney, you must sign the document or direct someone to sign it in your presence. You must have a witness other than your agent, the agent’s spouse or child, or the notary public to witness your signature. The witness must also sign the power of attorney. Execution of a power of attorney must occur before a notary public who will notarize the document. 

Establishing a Power of Attorney

Tips for Choosing Your Power of Attorney

Here are some essential things to consider when selecting the right person to serve as your agent/attorney-in-fact under your power of attorney:

  • Select someone whom you trust to make the same decisions you would. You should choose someone who knows you, your preferences, and your sensibilities. 
  • Consider other factors about your selected person, such as their availability, integrity, and ability to handle the responsibilities of serving as your agent. Remember, that person must perform their duties during a stressful time. You want someone who can handle the pressure in a calm, cool, and collected way. 
  • Consider nominating an alternate agent who can step in for your first choice if that person cannot or does not want to fulfill their duties. 

Contact Us for Power of Attorney Legal Help in Buckeye

Drafting a power of attorney can provide you with peace of mind and the knowledge you have someone you trust to manage your affairs and carry out your wishes if age, accident, or incapacity leaves you unable. Let the legal team at Pennington Law, PLLC help you create an enforceable POA tailored to your circumstances, preferences, and goals. Contact our firm today for a free initial consultation with a Buckeye power of attorney lawyer