Andre Pennington, founding attorney of Pennington Law, PLLC, was recently featured on The 1%er Podcast with Andy Elliott. In the episode, he discussed his journey from humble beginnings to his current position as the CEO of an award-winning law firm ranked one of the 1,200 fastest-growing companies in the United States.
During the episode, Pennington discussed building his business from “two slabs of wood and a $200 WalMart computer” with a strong mindset and firm vision of what he wanted life for him and his family to look like, and then taking the steps necessary to make the dream a reality.
Today, he helps other families achieve their goals through his law practice. Pennington Law, PLLC focuses on comprehensive estate planning and asset protection. The firm’s attorneys assist private individuals, business owners, and high net-worth clients to build generational wealth that provides for them in retirement and maximizes what they pass to their heirs.
You can listen to the full podcast, hosted by Celina Eklund, here.
Eklund recently profiled Pennington in the article “Don’t Fear Fear. Fear Ignorance” on the online platform Medium.
About Andy Elliott and The Elliott Group
Andy Elliott is a nationally recognized sales and business coach and co-founder of The Elliott Group, a sales training company that helps professionals maximize their profits and potential. Elliott is also a popular influencer with nearly one million followers on YouTube.
Contact Pennington Law, PLLC For a Free Consultation
If you need help planning your estate, the attorneys at Pennington Law, PLLC can review your financial situation and develop a strategy customized to your needs and goals. Reach out today for a free case review.