estate planning attorneys

Technology has made it easier for people to shop, work, bank and much more. In many ways, technology has also made estate planning easier. Or has it? There are numerous websites out there offering cheap templates for wills. The idea is that you fill these out with minimal assistance or even completely on your own. […]

Buckeye estate planning lawyer

A will is at the cornerstone of any estate plan. Unfortunately, many people delay writing a will, thinking they are either too young or have too few assets for it to matter. But that’s a risky misconception. Without a valid will, your property will be distributed according to Arizona law, which means it could go […]

trust attorney in Buckeye, Arizona,

A trust can be a valuable tool when establishing an estate plan in Arizona. Whether your primary goal is to avoid probate, minimize tax penalties, or ensure your funds are used for your desired purpose, an experienced trust attorney in Buckeye, Arizona, can help you set up a trust to meet your needs.   What […]

Asset protection

After years of hard work on behalf of your family, safeguarding the rewards you earned for future generations may be a top priority. Asset protection can help you meet this goal, allowing your legacy to continue benefiting your descendants after you are gone. Putting your wealth into one or more trusts is one of the […]

Arizona estate planning lawyer

Estate planning is crucial in managing your assets and ensuring your final wishes are honored. Legal guidance helps you create a plan that meets your financial needs and protects your family, but you also have a role in securing your final wishes. Once you have created an estate plan, you must ensure it remains secure […]


People decide to start preparing for death for many different reasons. Some people have personal medical challenges that they simply cannot ignore. They take action because their future health is uncertain. Others engage in estate planning out of concern for their dependent family members or a desire to control what happens to their property. Regardless […]

estate planning protections

Most people preparing for retirement focus primarily on setting aside enough capital to leave the workforce. However, it is smart to take things a step further than that. People who plan to protect their retirement funds before transitioning to live on a fixed income can enjoy greater financial stability and the peace of mind that […]

estate planning attorneys

Powers of attorney are a cornerstone of estate planning in Arizona. These crucial legal tools ensure that loved ones know what to do in an emergency, but they must be executed properly. Here’s an explanation of what powers of attorney do, why they’re important, and how to make them legally binding.   What is a […]

Buckeye estate planning lawyer

An effective estate plan is critical to protect your assets and ensure a comfortable future for your loved ones after you die. Various legal instruments in Arizona can help protect your finances, account for your needs as you age, and minimize tax consequences on your estate. Consulting a Buckeye estate attorney can help you employ […]

Estate Planning in Arizona

Trusts can be very usual tools for couples who want to protect and manage their assets during their lifetimes and ensure a smooth transfer of wealth to the next generation. Joint trusts are a type of living trust created by two people (usually a married couple) that allows them to combine their assets into one […]