Last Will and Testament in Arizona

A pour-over will is the same as any other last will and testament. But there is one major difference — this type of will “pours” your property into a trust that you’ve set up in advance. Upon your death, the assets are distributed to your intended beneficiaries through the trust, not through probate. The usual […]

estate planning

After going through the process of creating a will and other estate planning documents, many people have tendency to put everything away in a file or safe deposit box and forget about it. Years go by, life changes, people pass away, all while the estate plan gathers dust. As a result, by the time you […]

Estate Planning in Arizona

A comprehensive estate plan is essential to ensuring that your end-of-life wishes are carried out and that your loved ones are provided for in the way they deserve. The goal of an estate plan is to direct how your assets will be managed and distributed. Investing the time and money necessary to establish an estate […]